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Our Happy Clint

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The game served as a great team building exercise, as well as an opportunity to touch on some of the ‘soft responsibilities’ that relate to solving problems at work. – David Yokom, M.Sc, P.Eng, Queens University


I found many suggestions that I wanted to pull out so that I could remember them at work! – Shannon Polly, Founder, Shannon Polly & Associates

Scott Crabtree is a unique individual who applies scientific rigor to the design of a game that increases positivity and productivity. — Sivasailam Thiagarajan, Founder, Game Designer, and The Thiagi Group


We love to play the Choose Happiness @ Work game in our training sessions! Players learn a lot and have fun together. Awesome tool. – Maartje Wolff, Co-Founder, Happy Office


Statistical Numbers

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efficitur vehicula commodo. Curabitur ac libero ullamcorper,


Projects Completed


Working Hours


Positive Feedbacks


Happy Clients